Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Throughout the first part of high school I was a timid unknown walking the halls with what seemed like a permanent fifth appendage. It was a hard time of my life. I was depressed and felt unable to speak to anyone about it. I was in an abusive relationship for about 3 years and at times contemplated suicide. It's embarrassing to talk about because I was the one allowing the relationship to continue. Finally, I was able to walk away. God gave me the strength and assurance that life could be better. 

That summer, before my senior year, I was on cloud nine. I had friends again, a job and a great new boyfriend. That was the summer I gained almost 20 pounds! I began to lose my confidence as fast as I gained the weight. But, as I allowed myself to make new friends and take new chances, I slowly learned that contrary to what was once told to me, I will be wanted by others. I look back and I'm thankful for those sad times that have made me so happy and thankful for who I am and all I have now.  I still continue to struggle with my self-confidence each day, but each day the struggle becomes a little bit easier. Oh, and I never lost those 20 pounds ;) Oh, well!

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