Tuesday, January 15, 2013


My beautiful big sister, Lorina and her husband, Andrew are expecting their first baby this May! When they came down to visit in December, my mom, sister and I threw her a fun baby shower! Everything we made on our own besides the delicious cake which was made by my aunt's sister-in-law, Becky Aguilar! It was a wonderful day of family, friends, games and yummy food! I have many photos to share so this is just the first half of our colorful day!

My sister decided she wanted a rainbow/shower themed party since she did not know the sex of the baby when we started the preparations. 

My sister's favorite part of any party is the cake. Thanks to my aunt Sarah, they were able to pick the perfect cake for the occasion! Look at those adorable details!
My sweet baby sister and my cousins. My sister was such a huge help during the day! Couldn't have done it without her!
have the best husband in the world, I tell ya! He came in early and hung these streamers and balloons for me without complaining one bit! He's a keeper! And a great party decorator! ;) 
We asked everyone to guess the day and time my sister would pop and write it on this calendar! The closest to the actual delivery date and time wins a prize! Too bad they have to wait a few more months to find out who won!
 Here I am being the bossy girl that I always wanted to be!
My aunt Sarah won the "My Water Broke!" game. Everyone is sure that she cheated ;)
 All of the Olgin granddaughters :)  
 My mommy and baby sister :)
David also hung the umbrella and clouds. Definitely a keeper ;)
All of the ladies shared some great advice with the mommy-to-be!
 And then they made their best babies out of play-doh!
 This was my grandma, Mami's baby. I think she nailed it!
 The girl of the hour! My big sis, Lorina!
Stay tuned! More party pics to come!

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Today, David and I are celebrating our FOURTH Anniversary! Crazy, right! It's been the best year of marriage yet and I know it's only going to get better! During these past few years of marriage I've learned a few things that I'm happy to pass along to any new wife!

  • Always give lots of compliments--because you know how sexy he is and he should know too!
  • When out at a restaurant--Never ask to share a plate! Men hate sharing food!
  • If he's drinking, drink with him! It makes for fun conversation ;)
  • Bringing your white husband over to hang out with your super Hispanic family can be scary to him, so ease him in gently. You don't want the sharks to tear him up the first chance they get!
  • Always make him dinner when you can, he LOVES it. Even if its hamburger helper!
  • Don't get mad when he treats you like his equal, it just means he trusts and respects you to help him with those "manly" duties...like towing a car or hanging the t.v. on the wall!
  • Give him time alone to be in his "empty" box. He loves it in there!
  • Never watch Breaking Bad or The Walking Dead without him or you're dead meat!
  • Be straightforward with what you want, he's not good with your code talk.
  • Hug him, kiss him and smother him, even if he hates it because your love language is touch and he needs to understand that.
  • Love him. Deeply. With all your Might. Always.

David, you are my everything. Thank you for toughing out another year with the insane girl that I am. Your love is all that I need and I am so very blessed to be your wife. I love you, always.