Thursday, March 19, 2015


Jordan, you were my first nephew ever so I feel a special bond with you. You were the first child in my life that I truly loved as my own. You are a bright, hilarious, inquisitive ball of energy. Every day I am astounded at your growth in knowledge and abilities. Today, on your 9th birthday, I want you to know that I am so proud of you! I pray that you will always seek more knowledge. I pray that you will learn to be kind and compassionate toward others every day of your life. I pray that you always hold Christ deep in your heart and allow him to shine through you. I pray success and happiness over you. I know there are marvelous things to look forward to in your future and I pray that you never stop trying and working toward them. You are a wonderful young man and you are truly loved. Thank you for being so much fun and I pray that each birthday is better than the last. Tia Marivelle loves you, Jordy!

1 515 copy 1 429 copy Jordan copy Jordan 2 copy Birthday2011 41 copy Soccer (7) copy Party (6) copy Family (10) copy Pumpkin 2 copy Christmas (7) copy Race 7 copy Race 12 copy Party 3 copy Thanksgiving copy Colorado copy First day 2 copy Bday 3 copy Boys-1 copy Wes -001 copy